The Lord's Supper
Back to Sermon ArchiveMay 5, 2019
Returning To My First Love Through The Lord’s Prayer
Series: Special Service Topic: The Lord's Supper Passage: Matthew 6:9–15
April 8, 2018
God is Still Raising the Dead
Series: Special Service Topic: The Lord's Supper Passage: Ezekiel 37:1–14
February 1, 2015
Celebrating The Lord's Supper - Reflections on Faith
Topic: The Lord's Supper Passage: Philippians 1:20–21
February 2, 2014
From a Gathering of Enemies to The Gathering of God's Children
Topic: The Lord's Supper Passage: John 11:47-53
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December 1, 2013
Four Blessings from the New Covenant
Topic: The Lord's Supper Passage: Hebrews 10:19-22
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June 2, 2013
The Blood Sanctifies the Cross So the Cross Can Sanctify the Worshipper
Topic: The Lord's Supper Passage: Romans 12:1
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