EBC Youth

Click here for EBCY Linktree for all important information and updates.


 • Youth Worship - Wednesdays at 6:30-7:30 pm

on the second floor of the CLC

Sunday School - 9:30-10:15 am in the café

on the second floor of the CLC

Welcome to EBCY!  We are thankful to have you be a part of our ministry to students, grades 6-12. EBCY is not the church, but we are a ministry of Edgewood Baptist Church, and our great desire is to minister to Edgewood’s students and all who would come and join with us. Our greatest desire is that you would come to know and love the Lord with all heart, all soul, all mind, and all strength, and grow in your love for those around you. We pray that we are a blessing to you throughout your time in this ministry.

As a ministry we want to commit ourselves to doing 3 simple things. The first is foundational to who we are, and the second and third flow from it. 

  1. Word: We want to commit ourselves to the Bible, God’s Word. We want to commit ourselves to faithfully listening to, teaching, and responding to what God has to say to us in his Word. We believe in God and because we believe in him, we believe the Word he has spoken to us in the Bible is of utmost importance and worthy of all of our attention. 
  2. Discipleship: We want to commit ourselves to being discipled and making disciples. This means that as we commit ourselves to God’s Word, we want to grow in loving God and loving others, and helping others to come to do the same. This all happens as we come to know more and more the love that God has for us, the love that surpasses all knowledge. 
  3. Community: We want to commit ourselves to building a Christ-centered community. We may have lots in common with the people around us, or we may have very little in common with the people around us. Regardless of what we share or don’t share, we want to be a community that is ultimately centered upon Christ. This means we want to grow to love and care for one another as Christ has loved and cared for us. What a community to be a part of! 

We like to do our best to communicate to parents, guardians, and students. The best way to stay informed on all we have going on is by joining our Remind Parents and Students text groups. 

To join the Parents text: Text the number 81010 with the message @ebcypar

To join the Students text: Text the number 81010 with the message @ebcym21

If you have any questions, please reach out to JT Overby @ jtoverby@edgewoodga.com